Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bible Study for July 11, 2012

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


1) JESUS’ BIRTH – Jesus was born of a virgin – this fact is non negotiable
2) JESUS’ LIFE  - Jesus lived a sinless life – He was a lamb without spot or blemish
3) JESUS’ DEATH – Jesus died a perfect death.  His death satisfied GOD and Justice. He paid our debt completely through his full sacrifice.  He took our place. He paid every sin debt we did owe, owe and will owe
4) JESUS’ RESURRECTION – Jesus rose from the grave.  He had a perfect resurrection. He got up so I can get up. He got up so I have to get up in JESUS’ name.  We can do all things through Christ which strengthen us.
5) JESUS’ SOON COMING – Jesus will come back.  He will rule and reign over this earth forever. JOHN 14:3
HOMEWORK: Read Romans 8 and Hebrews 2

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