Saturday, September 29, 2012

Bible Study Notes from Sept. 26, 2012


DANIEL 1:4-20

We walk by faith and not by feelings.  Any long term Christian will tell you it’t not how you feel  We have to have faith in GOD and be faithful to him and what he has assigned us to do.  Faithfulness will wind up in fruitfulness.

Daniel is an example of faithfulness and fruitfulness.  He was faithful even when it wasn’t easy to be faithful.  God does not compromise.  We have to be like Daniel and stand on the word of GOD

Some things you do cause you to be cursed and out of sync with GOD.  Daniel had decided to be faithful to GOD. (verse 8)  In order to walk with GOD you have to walk in a pureness.  You have to renounce the things of any other gods.

Daniel did not want to eat the kings meat or drink and he asked the prince of the eunuchs to not let him defile himself.

In the end Daniel and his companions were healthier then the kings men and had more wisdom and understanding than all the magicians and astrologers at this time.

God will back up your faith.  The faithfulness of Daniel caused them to have favour with GOD.  They did not try to conform.  Daniel had sense enough to hold on to GOD.

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