Monday, September 1, 2014



When Pastor Neal is preaching and teaching he gives us some words to reflect upon and think about. I call them Neal"isms". Here are a few:

·        GOD is not looking at ability but availability

·        GOD blesses you from the inside out not the outside in. HE gives it to your heart first then in your hand. Once its in your heart it keeps coming forth. In your hand in happens only once.

·        When things happen, that is the devil contesting the will.  The will can be contested but not overthrown.

·        Don’t consider your own limitations.

·        See it done before its done and it WILL BE DONE!

·        Don’t say what you see.  Say what you want to see.

·        Being a Christian doesn’t exempt you from trouble but gives you the power to  go through and come out with the victory.

·        GOD’s job is to take care of me. My job is to trust him.

·        It’s not what you do. It’s what’s in you.

·        You will never become a master until you sit up under a master to let him teach you to be a master.

 ·        You have to get your mind where you want to go before you get there.

·        Your mouth is the gun. GOD’s word is the bullet.

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